Booking shows


We’re booking shows through 2011. Is there somewhere you would like to see us play? Let us know! Perhaps it’s your nearest dive bar drinking hole in West Virginia, or your party pool house in San Diego (preferred). We’re currently arranging gigs in London and Rome. Anyone in Amsterdam want to party with us? Oj Myakden that’s a shame.

Look at what they're doing now!

These guys.... they're whacky I tells ya.

In other news… Come down to The Penn Brewery for a beer and some music by the acoustic trio on February 12, 2011! Details can be found HERE. We’ll be joined by the hunkmeister Brian Jump on lead guitar. “I’m gonna wail on your sh*t” says Brian. He’s not kidding.

It’s a free show, I think it’s +21. The beer and food is spectacular. Get down there and have a boogy with us.
